Motor skills targeted: Sugar cones were pre-frosted for this group, but the students were provided with tongue depressors to add more on for sensory play as well as using appropriate amount of pressure so to not break the cones. Our students tolerated the "messy" touch well, trying to NOT have them eat their projects was the biggest struggle. Pincer grasp use encouraged with small candy pieces for placing on, also encouraging to place all over "tree" not just all in one spot for spatial awareness. And as always, self-care with hand and face washing after!
Communication skills targeted: The students worked on following directions to complete the task and also for understanding of basic concepts, on, top, bottom, around, along with more and all done. Students also requested desired candy and colors of objects to place on their trees using verbalizations or sign language. Some had to practice patience and waiting if peers were using tools they needed. Appropriate volume and tone of voice were also addressed with a student who was very demanding about the candy he wanted.
Using my stander for the first time in group!!!!! |
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