Monday, October 29, 2012

Halloween Candy Corn & Pumpkin Ipad Book

Communication skills targeted: Direction following, concepts of top/middle/bottom, receptive matching of vocabulary 
Fine Motor skills targeted: Tearing pieces of construction paper and glueing on pre-cut out candy corn templates

Today in group we made candy corn from shredding paper. Students had to rip up pieces of paper and glue them on the top, middle or bottom of the candy corn. As usual, the students were asked to request desired colors and also request tools needed to complete the task. We had real candy corn for a snack when students were completed. Here is a pre-group photo.

When the corn candy were completed, we read the book "Pumpkin, Pumpking, What do you see?" The book was printed off of this website. The website also had pictures that could be printed and used for memory or other games. We also used the Go Talk App to have the students select the picture to match the page we were reading in the story. Here are the finished products!

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