Monday, October 29, 2012

Pumpkin Balloon Pop Activity

Motor skills targeted: Use of small tack to pop balloons safely
Sensory skills targeted: Auditory with balloons popping, attempting to blow up balloon through oral input
Communication skills targeted: Direction following to place balloons, turn taking, requesting and selecting clothing items to dress the scarecrow

Today in group we had an early Halloween party. We started by having the students who were able, blow up ballooons. We then put tape on the balloons and had students who were able follow directions for where to place the balloon such as under, next to, etc. Here's what the pumpkin looked like before we popped the ballons.

Then the fun began! Students took turns popping the balloons. For some, they loved it and wanted more and more turns. For others, it ended in tears with them leaving the activity. We had put candy corn in each balloon but in reality, we could have left that out. The candy flew on the floor and the students didn't even seem to notice it.

For the next activity, students were able to dress a scarecrow. They were able to request and select a variety of hats, shirts and pants to dress the scarecrow. There was only 2 students who really enjoyed this task. The others found their way to play in the corn table. Here are a few scarecrows that were made.


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