Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Sugar Cone Frosted Christmas Trees

Motor skills targeted: Sugar cones were pre-frosted for this group, but the students were provided with tongue depressors to add more on for sensory play as well as using appropriate amount of pressure so to not break the cones. Our students tolerated the "messy" touch well, trying to NOT have them eat their projects was the biggest struggle. Pincer grasp use encouraged with small candy pieces for placing on, also encouraging to place all over "tree" not just all in one spot for spatial awareness. And as always, self-care with hand and face washing after!

Communication skills targeted: The students worked on following directions to complete the task and also for understanding of basic concepts, on, top, bottom, around, along with more and all done. Students also requested desired candy and colors of objects to place on their trees using verbalizations or sign language. Some had to practice patience and waiting if peers were using tools they needed. Appropriate volume and tone of voice were also addressed with a student who was very demanding about the candy he wanted.


Using my stander for the first time in group!!!!!

Thursday, November 15, 2012

Turkey Craft with Cereal & Colors

Motor skills targeted: Use of glue to place pre-cut images of turkeys onto background color sheet (students chose). Then, requested color of cereal to make small dot of glue on turkey and glue cereal on. Use of bopper paints and/or markers to color "dot" turkey sheets.
Communication skills targeted: Requesting desired colors of paper, cereal, paints and markers, following directions, receptive identification of 2 word phrases and expressive naming of items in a book using sign language and verbalizations.
Today, we attempted to make turkeys using different colors of cereal glued on. Students first requested what color background paper they wanted and then glued on the turkeys. Students then requested the color of cereal that they wanted. The intent was to fill the middle of the turkey with different color cereal. Most of the students just ate the cereal and did not want to glue it on the turkey. Students also colored in the feathers of the turkey. It was a rough day for group and it didn't go nearly as well as we planned.

For the language activity, we used the Functional Language Program to work on receptive identification of two word phrases. Students were given two pictures. Each picture contained two nouns. Students were asked to select the picture named after hearing it verbally or signed. When students completed the receptive pointing task, they were allowed to use the bopper paints to decorate the turkey.

We ended group with a Thanksgiving book that we pulled in at the last minute. It was a counting book so we were able to practice verbalizing and signing the number of turkeys left on each page.

Fall placemats

Motor skills targeted: Bilateral hand use and strengthening with tearing pieces of construction paper, use of shredded scissors for scissor skills, tactile sensory input with sticky paper.
Communication skills targeted: Following directions, receptive matching of functional objects to pictures, answering basic wh-questions, expressive vocabulary of functional items through verbalization or sign language

Today in group we worked on two separate tasks:

1. The motor activity for the day was creating fall placemats using scissors or tearing paper with hands. Once the paper was ripped, students placed it between two pieces of contact paper to make a fall placemat.

2. The communication activity for today was receptive matching of objects to pictures along with expressive naming of items. We recently purchased the Functional Language Program for Children from Linguisystems. It provides activities for children who need to work on expressive, receptive and functional language skills at the one, two, three and four word phrase level. There was a CD included, which we used to print and laminate the picture cards. We are hoping to use this program for both verbal students and students using sign language in order to increase and expand their language skills. Since this was the first time using it, today we gave two pictures to each student (some needed assitance in keeping the cards on the table in front of them). Then we pulled an object out of the box. The students had to look at their cards to see who had the match. The student then either spoke or signed the label of the picture. It was sometimes difficult for the students to attend while waiting for their item to be selected but overall, the students did well with the activity.

Monday, October 29, 2012

Pumpkin Balloon Pop Activity

Motor skills targeted: Use of small tack to pop balloons safely
Sensory skills targeted: Auditory with balloons popping, attempting to blow up balloon through oral input
Communication skills targeted: Direction following to place balloons, turn taking, requesting and selecting clothing items to dress the scarecrow

Today in group we had an early Halloween party. We started by having the students who were able, blow up ballooons. We then put tape on the balloons and had students who were able follow directions for where to place the balloon such as under, next to, etc. Here's what the pumpkin looked like before we popped the ballons.

Then the fun began! Students took turns popping the balloons. For some, they loved it and wanted more and more turns. For others, it ended in tears with them leaving the activity. We had put candy corn in each balloon but in reality, we could have left that out. The candy flew on the floor and the students didn't even seem to notice it.

For the next activity, students were able to dress a scarecrow. They were able to request and select a variety of hats, shirts and pants to dress the scarecrow. There was only 2 students who really enjoyed this task. The others found their way to play in the corn table. Here are a few scarecrows that were made.


Halloween Candy Corn & Pumpkin Ipad Book

Communication skills targeted: Direction following, concepts of top/middle/bottom, receptive matching of vocabulary 
Fine Motor skills targeted: Tearing pieces of construction paper and glueing on pre-cut out candy corn templates

Today in group we made candy corn from shredding paper. Students had to rip up pieces of paper and glue them on the top, middle or bottom of the candy corn. As usual, the students were asked to request desired colors and also request tools needed to complete the task. We had real candy corn for a snack when students were completed. Here is a pre-group photo.

When the corn candy were completed, we read the book "Pumpkin, Pumpking, What do you see?" The book was printed off of this website. The website also had pictures that could be printed and used for memory or other games. We also used the Go Talk App to have the students select the picture to match the page we were reading in the story. Here are the finished products!

Thursday, October 11, 2012

Cork Paint Stamping Trees

Motor skills targeted: grasping pattern, tactile touch and messy play
Communication skills targeted: following directions with prepositional concepts, requesting for colors

This activity was from September. We started by having the students glue brown paper pre-cut to look like a tree onto a large sheet of paper. The students then requested which color of paint they wanted to use. The students used corks to stamp leaves onto the tree. Prompting was given to grasp the cork appropriately. The concepts top and bottom were also targeted for placement of leaves.

When we were finished painting, we had the fun job of cleaning up. This included cleaning paint off tables, chairs, faces and staff's clothing (hint- don't wear white to teach group). We then read a story called, "I Found a Leaf." Each child was given a leaf and was asked to place the leaf in various locations on each page, such as on the pumpkin, over the house and on the grass. Here are the finished products!

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Leaf hedge hogs

Motor skills targeted: cutting and gluing 
Communication skills targeted: following directions, requesting and commenting

First we went outside to gather leaves. We talked about the colors, how the leaves felt and also the weather. The leaves were already crunchy! When we got back inside and settled, the kids requested the color of paper they wanted. Next they glued on the hedge hog and then the leaves. I think the project would have worked a little better if the leaves were more flat and not as dry.

When we were all finished we had a few extra minutes so we read a book about fall leaves. Here are the finished products!